Author Archives: admin

Delay to our Prize Draw – December 2023

We’re delaying our monthly £50 Talking Prizes to allow new people to join.

We’re giving listeners who have joined since April – and you, if you listen here or on your phone, tablet or smartspeaker – the chance each month to win £50.

For £10, you’ll get 6 chances until the draw’s year end on 31 March.

To join, call Wendy on 01361 889 211 to register and get the detail you need to join.

Web site refresh

We have recently refreshed our web site. You can contact us through this web site, and access our most recent recording.

We have attempted to make the web site as easy as possible to navigate, especially those that have issues with their sight. If there is anything that we can do to improve the site, please contact us and we will do what we can!